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RickBlock Project

Welcome to RickBlock, a project developed by Donovan Development. The purpose of the Rickblock project is to block you from being rickrolled.

Simple Setup

First, you need a Chromium-ready web browser. If you have Google Chrome, you are ready to go! You can also check if you have (or install) a different Chromium-based web browser.

Next, install the Redirector Chrome extention from the Chrome Web Store. You do NOT need Chrome to install it, but you do need a Chromium-based browser. When installed, click the extention and select "Edit Redirects". Leave this open.

Now, in a new tab, download the blocc.json file by clicking here and using keyboard command CTRL+S. Go back to the "Edit Redirects" page and click "Import". Upload the blocc.json file.

Finally, ensure that Redirector is on. The extention will say "off" if it's off, simply click it and click "Enable Redirector" to start.

Custom Rickblocking

Some really annoying rickrollers decide to self-host rickrolls! Although I try to keep the blocc.json up to date with the latest rickroll links, it's impossible. You can block rickrolls yourself!

Go to "Edit Redirectors" and click "Create New Redirect". Enter the rickroll you're blocking in the Example URL and Include Pattern textboxes. Set the Redirect To textbox to and check EVERYTHING for Apply To. Click Save to save your RickBlock.